Sunday, January 11, 2009

Recheck.. onegai~

Hye guys.,

tday story.. u guys already know it rite.
^^ have a nice day then.

hm! blog ni perlukan ramai ahli,.. dan masih mereka yang aku invite tak join in.
"People.. please recheck your yahoo email or hotmail"
kalau ade tulis SMKDN91_*exscience*..
click join in.
but first! create your account in blogger.. then baru sign in dalam blog ini.
later you guys can post any "buletin harian u all" inside this blog.

kalau boleh aku nak tutup this blog into private. Means. only for our class.
but still.. i can't do it until now. coz.. tak ramai.

so.. again recheck your email.

kalau tak dapat itu INVITATION.. feel free to give ur comment[email] "Di Ruang Komen bawah ini"
sebab masih ada yang aku tak tau email lahhhhh


lina said...

lina bru masuk..hihihihi..

Anonymous said...

okey then.. feel free to post some of ur idea??

hahahha.. cmon!
blog nie mcm kosong~~ xD

suyin+7 said...

juz got in...

Anonymous said...

hye su yin!!
