Monday, January 12, 2009


rufaidah n ain. alaahai. ayunyeee :b

tgk muke 3 org budak ni. happy jeee dpt jumpe after a month or so.

rao and karthik lookin awfully hott. HAHA. what's with the 'peace' sign eh? the whole class was infected.

one happy family at home! :]

sampai-sampai je makan -_-"

rufaidah and lina. AGAIN, the 'peace' sign.

nas and zafira^^

tarzan terHEBAT.

farah, bullied. hehe

adik kene 'fire' :b

nk blk da ney :]


Anonymous said...

okie. the face is super kawaii!!

thanx Ju!

// juria said...

welkam welkam =>
ade lg actually
tp gamba sum alebey kurang je