Tuesday, December 2, 2008

i need you guys, my drug.

hey. juria here. this is kinda cool, thanx mahfuz fr thinking abt it ;D
so how's everyone? it has been, what? 5 days after our last paper? hah. it felt good. i mean, the part abt finishing spm, not abt not seeing you guys ;(
how's everyone doing? guess what ppl, i'm already bored. haha. i'm 24/7 online nowadays - i eat a lot. like, hell a lot, lol. and i miss everyone! seriously, what are you guys up to? anyone started working yet? bile dpt paycheck crk juria okay nnti. lol.
i txted with magesh earlier, he just went fr an interview working as, as, umm, idk what he interviewed for, sorry. hah. i always do that. not getting the important details. sheesh, mom's always mad at me because of that. i mean, i'll get everything but the most important detail. what are the odds ey? anyway, i thought that it would be cool to contribute a blog post here. i just read tan's blog post which was awesome (except that he didn't put my picture there too, boo hoo). haha.
so anyway, here's a picture of the birthday girl and us:

overall, it was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! we totally rule pizza hut that day. it's a pity though that it ended so fast ;(
we should do it again sometimes :)
hey, i'll post more stuff later kay?
i g2g.
take care people!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Magesh pergi interview??
lol. bagus gler.
dia dh keje.. but kita maseh melangut. haiz. --