Monday, January 26, 2009

hi hi...i am tan

hi every......long time didn't see you all......

how are you?? hope that you all are fine......and happy always.......

hm...just came back from NS for celebrate the chinese new year....

gong xi fa cai!!!!!!!!

hm...i have lots of fun in NS....hope can shared with you all one day....

hm...this is my teacher in NS.........he is a very playful teacher in our dorm.....but don try to mess him.........he is very good in fighting.......XD

hm...this is my dormmate........this is the photo we take before we have your the 23th of JAN.......we having lots of fun there......

hm...this is all the chinese in my dorm....^^

we all very baju the 23th of JAN.....ha ha ....we give all the teacher a big surprice..........that night...

hm...did i look smart???

this is our class uniform in NS.....we wear it when we went out hte camp or having our class...

err....about this is my best friend in NS...^^!!!! form negeri sembilan...ha ha ha............k la...i think i will stop here...wish you all, all the best in your life!!!!!


// juria said...

TAN!!! i can't believe u liked NS. heheheee. it's good that u're havin fun. and OH MY GOD DID YOU SHAVED UR HAIR?? lol ;p happy CNY!

Anonymous said...

haha.. kena shaved!!

Hepy CNY too!