Saturday, January 31, 2009


Dear all Friends,
the plan has changed...
the first station is tan's hse...
the second station is my hse...
then is yih ting's hse...
finally is ang's hse....
so v'll meet at masterskill first...
then i'll take all of u to tan's hse at 12.00pm SHARP...
get it???
pls contact me if u guys have any questions.... 0122473022
tq very muchhh!!!!!:)

Friday, January 30, 2009


On 31st of jan, pls come 2 our hse....
1st of all,
we'll all meet up at ang's hse....
yih ting's hse...
my hse...
tan tan's hse....
Any qestions pls contact me at 0122473022...
tq very muchh.....:)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

CNY! calling3x

Jemputan ke Rumah Tan, Suyin, Yih ting & Ang.


Chinese New Year

sabtu (31 Jan), 12 tgh hari.

nak tanye apa-apa, si tan dan adeq kata just kol suyin =='
[aku tak tau no Suyin.]
tett.. huwahuwa.. carik sndiri. tanya diowang yg tawu.
kalau gi aku just menyemakkan diri kat umah mahfuz. then kalau dia ada.. aku ngan dia tawaf la kat taman perumahan itu mencari 'dimana rumah mereka'.


Monday, January 26, 2009

hi hi...i am tan

hi every......long time didn't see you all......

how are you?? hope that you all are fine......and happy always.......

hm...just came back from NS for celebrate the chinese new year....

gong xi fa cai!!!!!!!!

hm...i have lots of fun in NS....hope can shared with you all one day....

hm...this is my teacher in NS.........he is a very playful teacher in our dorm.....but don try to mess him.........he is very good in fighting.......XD

hm...this is my dormmate........this is the photo we take before we have your the 23th of JAN.......we having lots of fun there......

hm...this is all the chinese in my dorm....^^

we all very baju the 23th of JAN.....ha ha ....we give all the teacher a big surprice..........that night...

hm...did i look smart???

this is our class uniform in NS.....we wear it when we went out hte camp or having our class...

err....about this is my best friend in NS...^^!!!! form negeri sembilan...ha ha ha............k la...i think i will stop here...wish you all, all the best in your life!!!!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

tumpang lalu.

juria da dpt lesen. huahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaha


Thursday, January 15, 2009


sedey r x dapat g c0ngkak
nak pegi..
syok je tengok gamba diorang..

Monday, January 12, 2009


rufaidah n ain. alaahai. ayunyeee :b

tgk muke 3 org budak ni. happy jeee dpt jumpe after a month or so.

rao and karthik lookin awfully hott. HAHA. what's with the 'peace' sign eh? the whole class was infected.

one happy family at home! :]

sampai-sampai je makan -_-"

rufaidah and lina. AGAIN, the 'peace' sign.

nas and zafira^^

tarzan terHEBAT.

farah, bullied. hehe

adik kene 'fire' :b

nk blk da ney :]

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Recheck.. onegai~

Hye guys.,

tday story.. u guys already know it rite.
^^ have a nice day then.

hm! blog ni perlukan ramai ahli,.. dan masih mereka yang aku invite tak join in.
"People.. please recheck your yahoo email or hotmail"
kalau ade tulis SMKDN91_*exscience*..
click join in.
but first! create your account in blogger.. then baru sign in dalam blog ini.
later you guys can post any "buletin harian u all" inside this blog.

kalau boleh aku nak tutup this blog into private. Means. only for our class.
but still.. i can't do it until now. coz.. tak ramai.

so.. again recheck your email.

kalau tak dapat itu INVITATION.. feel free to give ur comment[email] "Di Ruang Komen bawah ini"
sebab masih ada yang aku tak tau email lahhhhh